this is who I am.

about me.

After years managing fast-paced craft cocktail bars, I finally gave up on struggling through dysfunctional point of sales systems. Instead of continuing to curse the designers who didn’t consult me when they made these products, I decided to become one of them.

Now I transform ideas into realities with user-centric thinking and a research-based design process. I love the challenge of managing lots of moving parts and people, while always working towards a larger goal.

I have a background in copywriting and enjoy managing humans and agile workflows. My true loves are grammar, combustion engines, the ocean and mezcal.

photograph of zoe by Kelly Puleio

my process.


I love interviewing users, watching how different people navigate devices, and programs, asking why. Every person navigates the world in a different way. In what ways do they overlap? Where do they struggle?


Empathizing with users comes naturally to me after years in customer facing positions, but it grows from learning why and how users make decisions. I greatly value how impactful others' experiences can be in design decisions.


I appreciate spending the time and energy upfront to create realistic plans. I start every project with a view of the big picture and keep that in mind throughout. I excel at leveraging the skills of others and my own to generate result efficiently and effectively.


Collaboration with a team generates so many new ideas. Testing which ones work best is a great decision maker and the easiest way to validate functionality. The immediate value of watching a user interact with a product is fascinating to me.

when nobody's looking.

Get in touch!

If you’d like to learn more or work together, please reach out.

email me